2022年5月30日 星期一

「酸奶浆果鸡尾酒」食譜 (Yogurt Berry Cocktail Recipe)

    Ingredients :

    • A piece of pear (about 25g)
    • 2 large strawberries (about 50g)
    • 2or 3tsp cane sugar syrup
    • Half a pot natural yoghurt (150g size)
    • 4 mint leaves


    1. Peel the pear and put it together with the strawberries, blueberries, cane sugar syrup and yoghurt into the blender and mix for 30 seconds.
    2. Pour the mixture into a martini glass.
    3. Put the mint leaves into the mini-grinder and give 6 pulses.
    4.  Arrange the mint on the preparation and serve with a small spoon.

    • 一个梨(约25克)
    • 2个大草莓(约50克)
    • 2或3茶匙甘蔗糖浆
    • 半罐天然酸奶(150g大小)
    • 4片薄荷叶


    1. 将梨去皮,与草莓、蓝莓、蔗糖浆和酸奶一起放入搅拌机中搅拌 30 秒。
    2. 将混合物倒入马提尼酒杯中。
    3. 将薄荷叶放入迷你研磨机中,脉冲 6 次。 
    4. 薄荷放在准备好的东西上,用小勺子上桌。

