Ingredients :
- 2 slices fresh pineapple, peeled and cored (about 135g)
- 4canned apricot halves in natural juice
- Juice of 1 orange, plus 1 slice to decorate
- To decorate:
- 2 ready to eat dried apricots
- 5 pistachios, shelled
- 2 blanched almonds
- Roughly chop the pineapple and apricot halves into large pieces.
- Put them into the blender with the orange juice and mix for 20 seconds. Pour the smoothie into a large glass.
- Put the pistachios, almonds and fried apricots into the mini-grinder and give 10 pulsed to produce very small cubes.
- Arraange the dried fruit and nits on the smoothie, decorate with a slice of orange and serve.
材料 :
- 2片新鮮菠蘿,去皮去核(約135克)
- 4罐裝天然果汁的半個杏子
- 1個橙汁,外加1片裝飾
- 裝飾:
- 2個即食杏乾
- 5 個開心果,去殼
- 2個白杏仁
- 將菠蘿和杏子大致切成大塊。
- 將它們與橙汁一起放入攪拌機中,攪拌 20 秒。將冰沙倒入一個大玻璃杯中。
- 將開心果、杏仁和炸杏放入 迷你攪拌機中,脈衝 10 次以製成非常小的立方體。
- 把乾果和尼特放在冰沙上,用一片橙子裝飾,然後上桌。