- 1 fresh peach, skin removed
- 2 ice cubes (about 60)
- 30ml dark rum (for an extra kick use 50 ml dark rum)
- 30ml passion fruit drink
- 20ml ginger ale
- 2tsp vanilla syrup
- To decorate:
- 1/4 vanilla pod
- De-stone peach and cut into quarters. Put the ice cubes, dark rum, passion fruit drink, three pieces of peach , ginger ale and vanilla syrup into the blender. Blend for 15 seconds.
- Pour the cocktail through a fine sieve into a glass filled with some crushed ice cubes.
- Grind the quarter of vanilla pod in the mini-grinder.
- Mix the remaining peach quarter in the mini-chopper for 5 pulses, then arrange on the cocktail and add a touch of the ground vanilla.
- 1個新鮮桃子,去皮
- 2個冰塊(約60個)
- 30 毫升黑朗姆酒(額外使用 50 毫升黑朗姆酒)
- 30毫升百香果飲料
- 20毫升薑汁汽水
- 2茶匙香草糖漿
- 裝飾:
- 1/4 香草莢
- 桃子去核,切成四等份。 將冰塊、黑朗姆酒、百香果飲料、三片桃子、薑汁汽水和香草糖漿放入攪拌機。 攪拌 15 秒。
- 將雞尾酒通過細篩倒入裝有碎冰塊的玻璃杯中。
- 在迷你研磨機中研磨四分之一的香草莢。
- 將剩餘的桃子四分之一在迷你切碎機中攪拌 5 次,然後放在雞尾酒上,加入少許香草精。